Saturday, September 3, 2011

FACT! #52

While most people think that the Sega Genesis was Sega's first console, fewer know that the Master System predated the Genesis. But both were pre-dated by the SG-1000 Computer Video Game trumps even the Master System.

Released in 1983 in Japan, Australia and New Zealand the system was famous for having virtually pirated version of a few Atari titles. The hardware was also close enough to that of the Colecovision that a third party developed a system that could play both the SG-1000 and Colecovision games. The system never made it to America or Europe and was not terribly popular in the countries it was released. The system did lay the groundwork for the far more popular Master System and, eventually, the Genesis. 

Nowadays you can find the system going for $50 - $150 for the most part and the games released for it going for variable prices.