Friday, July 8, 2011

Update Post

Decided that it's time to actually bring up some possible future plans for Virtual Vintage Antiques and Collectibles and this blog so people can have an idea of what's going to be on... Or that's what I'm going to tell myself. In reality, I just wanted to make another post today.

I do want to mention that there's a distinct possibility that VVAC will be at OMSI in Portland, Oregon sometime this summer to visit their GameOn 2.0 exhibit. It sounds like a really amazing exhibit that is about the growing history of video games (40+ years now) and that you may be able to play a number of games while there. I'm going to assume that they have a number of various gaming types there such as arcade games, perhaps console gaming and physical games. Won't know until we get there.

That isn't the only event that VVAC should be going to this year. We're (read: At this time, "I") am hopefully going to be attending KumoriCon for my 8th consecutive year and I'd love to be able to attend the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. Both events take place in September (KumoriCon at the beginning of the month, Gaming Expo at the end.) So we'll see what happens. It'd be awesome to get in on a press badge or something to any of the events, but I am sincerely not going to hold my breath. Just a pipe dream.

Some time in the near future, VVAC should be launching an official Facebook page. So if you happen to like this blog and want to show it... Not to mention REALLY help us out here... When the page is up, Like us!

There's still plenty of FACT!s for me to go through and I do have some articles lined up. Just need to decide when I want to do them. If I end up going to any events, I'll make sure to write up about them and share them with all of y'all.

Thanks for reading and I'm really enjoying hearing some of the feedback that I've heard so far. It's definitely a nice boost. I really enjoy doing this and I'm kinda shocked it's gone this long and is starting to grow outside of a group of friends. I'm starting to get views from other nations that I either didn't think still existed, or don't know anyone from there on-or-offline.