Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Return?

I'm not going to make any promises but after much consideration and thinking, I am planning on returning to this blog and expanding it by attaching it to an actual website! The long pause wasn't necessary, but it certainly feels like it was. I don't know how to explain it, but I suppose that's the best way to put it.

Life just happened. Things got in the way, my naturally lazy personality chiefly among them... And I guess I may have been burned out. But I don't think that's an apt description. Really, I just sort of lost touch for this blog.

In the time between my last post and this one, I have seen one of my all time favorite sites go through a long content drought and after several months, the owner of that site finally admitted that he was bringing an end to the site and announce that he was going to be starting on another site. Then another site I absolutely love has been on an indefinite hiatus since 2010 and while there are signs that they're going to continue with it, nothing has happened yet.

Both of those (not quite) ends have made me a bit upset. Not angry, just... A bit like a part of my ritual has been blocked. I joined those sites in midst of their creation frenzy, cranking stuff out on a regular basis that was all quality. Then they just stopped. No notice, no warning, just gone. When contact was made, it was to announce that one was going down and well, there's been no information on the other.

Of course, I am talking about www.x-entertainment.com and www.homestarrunner.com. Anyone who knows me knows how much both of those sites have influenced me and how important both of them were to me working on this blog.

It got me to thinking, though. I have wanted to restart this blog and get the actual Virtual Vintage site up and running for some time now. While x-entertainment is going to continue as another site... I feel as if there is a lull in new content on the random crap that site and my blog have in common and now was the time to continue work on my blog.

Long, rambling story short, I'm going to try and start posting new content here and will be launching my actual site soon!

I don't know when any FACT!s will return, I hope soon. I won't do the FACT! a day speed I was going at, but I am hoping to continue with them as well. It's not that I don't have enough information to share, it's that I am really lazy and doing one a day was killing me.

So expect some new stuff to be popping up here, and it'll again be worth stopping by every day or so to see what else is new.

Thanks for sticking with me. I'm shocked to see how often I'm seeing references to this blog out there (there are a lot, then again... More than three would be a lot to me) and between the people I know that were visiting and the number of people finding it, even while I was gone, has brought quite a bit of joy to me.

...Oh, and it doesn't hurt that Google sent me $100 to use to advertise this blog and my site. So that definitely helped motivate me. :P