Friday, October 25, 2013

Legendary Creature Series: Manananggal

The Manananggal is a vampire-like creature within Philippine folklore. It usually takes the form of a beautiful young woman and has the lovely ability to utterly tear its own torso from its legs, grow wings and begin to fly in search of its prey. ITs preferred prey seems to be women, namely pregnant women that are sleeping.

Similar to western vampires (of the non-glittery persuasion), they seem to be weak against sunlight and garlic. Though instead of a stake through the heart or leaving them in the sun during the daylight hours, the way to defeat a Manananggal is to find its abandoned lower half and cover the gaping wound with salt and ashes before day break to ensure that it cannot reconnect.

Courtesy of
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about this creature is the lack of points one can get in Scrabble from it. With no modifiers, this creature can only net you 15 points despite how many letters are required to spell it.