Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1st!

Today is the beginning of what I believe is the "holiday season." The first day of the long holidays has officially begun in my eyes... And which holiday takes the cake for October? That's right, Columbus Day! ...Wait, I mean, Halloween.

Halloween has been one of my all time favorite holidays for a number of reasons. It's when the weather finally starts turning fall/winter-like here, it's when I view the holiday season as starting and the entire spooky, superstition stuff that goes along with it. It also helps that a plethora of items get Halloween themed makeovers and Count Chocula comes out of hiding to become the best cereal of the year. This year, I sincerely hope I actually get around to making a few posts about Halloween related items within the month of October.

Then again, my track record exemplifies Halloween at its best: Horrific. I hope to finally change that this year and make a number of posts that are Halloween themed. Whether they're good or not is up for potentially ironic discussion.

Anyways... Happy Holidays everyone! I can finally say it!